Residential Locksmith Services -Speedy Locksmith employs techs that can service your home, town home or apartment lockouts. We also install high security locks for the home. If you ever lose your mailbox key we can change your mailbox lock. If you purchase a new home and want to change all of the locks or rekey the existing locks, call us today.

Commercial Locksmith Services – Speedy Locksmith employs techs that also service any type of commercial business. Keeping your business secure is just as important as keeping your home secure. Our techs cna install high security locks  to keep your business safe. If you have just purchased a new business or opened a new business, we can rekey existing locks.

Automotive Locksmith Services – Speedy Locksmith employs techs that can service any type of automotive locksmith needs. Our locksmiths can open virtually any car or other type of vehicle. We can also cut, replace and extract keys.

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